Voting WTF
Well now that we're all "High Tech" with our voting system, it is all jacked up.
There were NEVER this many problems when it was just voting with the punched cards.
Now all there are is problems. My county (Yolo) can't even count their ballots because their new machine doesn't work. When I voted this morning, instead of having the card with the card punching machine, I got a piece of paper and a Pen (which didn't even write very well) and filled in little squares..............Now they tell us that the Machine to read the ballots doesn't even work.
Plus, once we switch over to full computer voting, just think of the Fraud that will be committed against the voters.
It's a Sham, and a Shame.
Now the Ass Hole Democrat Gubernatorial candidate is getting ready to go on TV and "declare victory". and they haven't even counted some counties.
Since I'm a Republican, I really don't give a shit since I couldn't vote for the guy anyway. Speaking of which, does anybody else even realize what happened 4 years ago, when there was a lock in Democrat the Democrats put an initiative on the ballot to allow people to vote across party barriers in the primary, just so the democrats could vote for a shitty republican to go against their boy. Then after the election the inititiave was declared unconstitutional.
It's a SHAM, It's a SHAME
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