Another city has decided to enter the "City of Trees" Squabble.
West Sacramento has posted "Tree City USA", a change of words from "City of Trees", but appears to have the endorsement of the Arbor Day Foundation.
As pointed out on this blog back in 2007 (see post of Sunday May 6, 2007 10:15pm), The cities of Woodland and Sacramento have both claimed to be the "City of Trees"
Is West Sacramento trying to avoid the controversy by calling themselves "Tree City USA", will that change be enough to prevent further controversy....
The City's Claim of Tree City USA, is easily questioned by the positioning of a very Charlie Brownish Tree right at the site of the monument. As shown in the photographs below. (not that there is anything wrong with Charlie Brown Trees.
Judging from the amounts of money and size of the monuments, Sacramento Definately has it hands down with the Huge Water Structure with a huge night lit flag that invokes many emotions from passers-by atop it. Woodland comes in a distant second place with the brick and concrete monument sign, however I question the effort put into the City of West Sacramento's effort for the coveted title with the 4x4 wood post (made from cutting down a tree) with a small placard sign manufactured from what appears to be fiberglass sign.... This could get interesting, perhaps if the City of West Sacramento didn't KILL a Tree to make their sign, their frugalness would be rewarded since we do live in these tough times. However killing a tree to honor yourself for being a friendly city to trees is very contradictory.
Officials from the City of West Sacramento could not be easily reached for comment, however I'm sure I will hear back from one of their councilmember before the weekend is over.
The Controversial sign shown with wood Post
The sign shown in proximity to the "Charlie Brown" tree
A Better view of the Charlie Brown Tree (doesn't help to have that piece of crap trailer behind it)
Stay Tuned.. This issue is not put to rest
Will the Real Tree City please Stand up